UWI Bursary Awards 2024

Three (3) Bursaries awarded for 2024-2025 Academic Year at the UWI Global Campus, St Vincent & the Grenadines
This is the 16th disbursement of bursaries awarded under this Programme and each year, a matrix-based assessment is used to identify and interview community-oriented candidates who needs financial assistance. A committee then reviews the shortlisted candidates to select those candidates fitting to receive a Bursary.
The committee selected the following Three (3) candidates to receive the Mustique Charitable Trust Bursary Award for the 2024/2025 Academic Year:
- Chiaka Bulze (Female) – Bachelor of Science: Accounting
- Ezron Horne (Male) – Bachelor of Science: Management Studies
- Carlotta Edwards (Female) – Bachelor of Education: Educational Leadership & Management
These Three (3) candidates now join the Mustique Charitable Trust Bursary Programme, which has awarded 45 Bursaries since January 2010 and has seen 31 graduated awardees who have received 17 First Class Degrees, 7 Upper Second Degree, 6 Lower Second Degrees and 1 Certificate.
The MCT Bursary covers 60% of the Academic Fees and provides a laptop to the Awardees for their online classes.

Chiaka Bulze
Bachelor of Science: Accounting
Chiaka Bulze is an Administrative & Accounting Officer in the Government owned Hotel Project Implementation Unit. A single mother with an eight-year-old daughter with hopes for a better life for them both. She wishes to attain her bachelor’s degree, as her dreams will not be stifled by constraints or fear but through toil and earnest efforts, she’ll reach her highest gain.
Ezron Horne
Bachelor of Science: Management Studies
Ezron Horne is a farmer who is determined to overcome any obstacles in his path to achieve his goals and make his family proud. Being the first in his family to graduate both secondary and tertiary education level, he now seeks higher education to achieve a bachelor’s degree. He sees this degree as an opportunity to use modern ideas and increase the value of farm products beyond the field through technological and operational advances.

Carlotta Edwards
Bachelor of Education: Educational Leadership & Management (Major)
Carlotta Edwards is dedicated to assisting our young Vincentians in the fields of education management and construction. She is an instructor and assessor for the CVQ’s Level 1 Building Construction Drafting Program at the North Leeward Technical Institute. She sees this degree as a chance to create interactive modules that would make learning more accessible and engaging, especially for students who encounter financial challenges.
Media Coverage
The Agency for Public Information – Read the article
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St Benedict's Children's Home Annual Recurring Grant
Since 2009, the Mustique Charitable Trust (MCT) has funded its Annual Recurring Grant with St. Benedict Day Nursery & Children’s Home to assist with the care of the children at the Children’s Home.
Over the years, our Annual Grant has expanded and now contributes to Groceries & Toiletries, Physiotherapy, Music Lessons and Teachers’ Stipend.
The Mustique Charitable Trust was once again pleased to renew its 2024-2025 Annual Grant with St. Benedict Day Nursery & Children’s Home, which covers for the period September 2024 to August 2025.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe Annual Recurring Grant
Since 2009, the Mustique Charitable Trust (MCT) has funded its Annual Recurring Grant with Our Lady Guadalupe Home to contribute to the counselling services provided to the girls and young women of the Home.
The counselling services are seen as crucial to assist the girls and young women to cope with their individual challenges and learn to live at the home as a family. It serves as a support system and aims to help the girls with their way forward.
The Mustique Charitable Trust was once again pleased to renew its 2024-2025 Annual Grant with Our Lady of Guadalupe Home for Girls, which covers for the period September 2024 to August 2025.

2023-2024 Table Tennis Programme
Due to the success of this programme, UK Friends of the Mustique Charitable Trust (UKFMCT) funded our 3rd collaboration with Vincy Table Tennis Foundation (VTTF) which provided training programmes for children and teenagers in three (3) locations.
Programmes ran from August 2023 to July 2024 and were facilitated by VTTF at:
- Fancy Government School located in the rural village of Fancy on the North Windward side of St. Vincent
- Troumaca Secondary School located in the rural village of Troumaca on the North Leeward side of St. Vincent.
- Clare Valley Government School located in a small town with mainly low income families in the Southern Leeward side of St. Vincent
All three (3) programmes successfully ended with in-house tournaments with the overall 15 top performers received prizes inclusive of sneakers, racket, case and balls and another 30 players received consolation prizes of rackets, case and balls.
The participants looked forward to these one-year programmes, which serve as extracurricular activities after school, on weekends and during school holidays and the prizes are a big incentive.
A major highlight of the programme is a player who started in the 1st year of our programme progress to participating in regional tournaments and received a Sports Scholarship from the University of Trinidad & Tobago this year
We hope to continue to sustain these programmes in hopes of identifying more undiscovered talents in the villages
Total of 75 children and teenagers participated in the 2023-2024 Table Tennis Programmes at a total cost of US$10,960

Consolation Prize Winners
The Salvation Army Children’s Home 2024-25 Grant Programme
UK Friends of the Mustique Charitable Trust (UKFMCT) funded a 2nd Grant with Salvation Army Children’s Home in MAR2024, which runs for one (1) Year until FEB2025.
This 2nd Grant will again provide Groceries, Fresh Produce & Fish, Housemothers’ Stipends and Transportation for children to and from school. Along with the furniture and kitchen necessities provided in our 1st Grant, this 2nd Grant is intended to continue to provide comfort, care and enhanced opportunities for the children.
The Home currently has 13 children, ages 6 – 17 years and there are 3 Housemothers who are scheduled to provide 24-hour care. Two (2) of the younger girls were successful in their Primary School Exit Exams and now attends Secondary School and the 17 year old is attending St Vincent Technical College.
The children are either orphans, abandoned or face abusive environment and traumatic situations. Hence, we can say our Grant for US$9,300 assists to provide a safe haven for these children.

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Handover Ceremony at Sandy Bay Site

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UWI Bursary Awards 2023

Four (4) Bursaries awarded for 2023-2024 Academic Year at the UWI Global Campus, St Vincent & the Grenadines
Each year, a matrix-based assessment is used to identify and interview community-oriented candidates who needs financial assistance. A committee then reviews the shortlisted candidates to select those candidates fitting to receive a Bursary.
After contemplation, the committee selected the following four (4) candidates to receive the Mustique Charitable Trust Bursary Award for the 2023/2024 Academic Year:
- Okieve Graham (Male) Bachelor of Science: Marketing
- Juliette James (Female) Bachelor of Education: Educational Leadership & Management
- Jolisa Primus (Female) Bachelor of Education: Early Childhood Development & Family Studies
- Leroy Walker (Male) Bachelor of Science: Sports Leadership & Management
These four (4) candidates now join the Mustique Charitable Trust Bursary Programme, which initiated in January 2010 and has since seen 28 graduated awardees who have received 15 First Class Degrees, 6 Upper Second Degree, 6 Lower Second Degrees and 1 Certificate.
Many of these graduates are now giving back to the society through their careers in teaching, counselling and social work which speaks in itself of the sustainability of this successful and beneficial collaboration between MCT and UWIGC

Okieve Graham
Bachelor of Science: Marketing
Okieve Graham is a Customer Service Agent in the Airline & Tourism Industry. His interaction with visitors in these fields has identify the need for more accessible information about his beautiful homeland. With this in mind, he has selected Marketing with a special focus on Digital Marketing with hopes to create apps that will allow visitors to have a more informed experience while visiting St Vincent & the Grenadines. He also hopes that his dream will open a gateway for other young entrepreneurs.
Juliette James
Bachelor of Education: Educational Leadership & Management
Juliette James is a primary school teacher who is committed to helping our Vincentian children in the area of Literacy. She hopes to also obtain additional specialised training in Literacy. It is indeed her passion and she sees this degree as an opportunity to contribute to the teaching curriculum to help students who are struggling in literacy.

Jolisa Primus
Bachelor of Education: Early Childhood Development & Family Studies
Jolisa Primus is a Primary School Relief Teacher who recalls her own struggles as a young student. From her experience, she appreciates how important those first formative years are in a child’s education. It was evident that Jolisa loves teaching and interacting with young children. Her choice of field of study is with hopes that she can help our young children begin their early education on the right footing.
Leroy Walker
Bachelor of Science: Sports Leadership & Management
This is a new degree offered by UWI Global Campus and it may just be Divine Intervention, since it appears that Leroy Walker was destined for this degree. A role model Sportsman and dedicated member of the Garifuna community, there is ample evidence online that proves that Leroy loves sports and is deeply involved in promoting sports among our children and teenagers. MCT is very pleased to have its first Bursary Awardee pursuing this degree and with Leroy’s evident passion for sports, we hope that he will have an even greater impact in this field.

Media Coverage
iWitness News press release – Read the article
One News St. Vincent press release – Read the article
Searchlight press release – Read the article
St. Vincent Times press release – Read the article
The Vincentian press release – Read the article
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2022-2023 Table Tennis Programme
Our 2nd collaboration saw the UK Friends of the Mustique Charitable Trust (UKFMCT) coming on board to fund the Vincy Table Tennis Foundation (VTTF) initiative in setting up training programmes for children and teenagers in three (3) rural villages.
Programmes ran from March 2022 to April 2023 and were facilitated by VTTF at:
- Fancy Government School located in the rural village of Fancy on the North Windward side of St. Vincent
- Troumaca Secondary School located in the rural village of Troumaca on the North Leeward side of St. Vincent
- Chateaubelair Methodist School located in the rural village of Chateaubelair on the North Leeward side of St. Vincent
Grant funding from the UK Friends of the Mustique Charitable Trust enabled the following outcomes from this programme:
- Two (2) Tibhar Professional All Weather Table Tennis Boards, 30 Table Tennis Rackets and 25 Boxes of Balls provided for the Programmes
- Three (3) junior coaches providing training sessions while obtaining hours towards their Table Tennis Training Certification
- After School and Weekend training sessions along with School Holiday Camps and In-House Tournaments were held throughout the period March 2022 to April 2023
- In-House Tournaments saw the Top 10 Winners receiving prizes that included Sneakers, Rackets, Cases and Balls and another 18 participants receiving consolation prizes that included Rackets, Cases and Balls
- Prizes were sourced internationally and presented to winners at the beginning of October. These participants were very excited to now have their very own equipment for continued training
Over 60 children and teenagers participated in the Table Tennis Programmes at a total cost of US$9,550