If you are interested in applying for funding you will be required to complete and submit our Grant Programme Application Form. You do not have to be a registered charity to apply. You can download our Grant Programme Application and Application Guidelines by clicking on the links below. Before perusing an application, please read our guidelines carefully to determine if your organisation or project will qualify for consideration.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Apply?
We make grants for legally charitable work that an organisations constitution allows it to do.
May I call you to discuss my organisation’s application?
Please telephone us to discuss your request. An appointment will be made to visit our office to discuss your request in more detail and lead you through the grant application process.
If you are currently a grant holder, please get in touch with your usual contact at the Mustique Charitable Trusts.
How much can my organisation apply for?
Whatever you feel you need for the work you want to supported but see page five for guidance.
Do you make grants for more than one year?
Grants may be for one year or longer but generally not more than three years.
When can my organisation apply for a grant?
You are welcome to submit an application at any time. However, we will only deal with one application per organisation at a time.
How long will I have to wait for a decision?
The Mustique Charitable Trusts will get back to you, aiming to acknowledge your first stage application within four weeks of receiving it. Within two months we will either suggest taking it to the second stage or decline to support it.
If you are invited to proceed to the second stage we will ask you for some additional information that will depend on what you have already told us and the size and complexity of the work you would like us to support. We will also send our Trust Administrator to visit your project to agree success criteria and monitoring, evaluation and impact reporting procedures. At this point you will be given a decision date by the Board of Trustees.
If my application is refused at either the outline or final stage may I apply again?
You may come back to us with a revised proposal or a new idea.
What happens if my application is successful?
You will be expected to comply with our standard terms and conditions. Occasionally the nature of a grant can involve special terms and conditions.
To find out more information please contact us
+ 1 784 450 4359
The Administration Director
The Mustique Charitable Trust
c/o the Mustique Company Ltd.
PO Box 349, VC0100
St Vincent and the Grenadines
West Indies
Your interest and valuable donation enables the Mustique Charitable Trusts to carry out commitments to create better opportunities for the needy and vulnerable in St Vincent and the Grenadines.