The World Pediatric Project (WPP)

Champion for Children Campaign

The Trusts continue to support the invaluable specialised pediatric medical care provided by the World Pediatric Project (WPP) at The Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in Kingstown. Many homeowners in Mustique have contributed to this very worthwhile cause by donating a week at their villa to the bi-annual fundraising auction held by WPP in Virginia.

In 2014 through generous donations from our supporters, the Trusts were able to donate funds to renovate and purchase new equipment for the pediatric ward which had been damaged by floods in December 2013.  At the re-opening of the ward on June 15th 2014 attended by the Governor General, the Prime Minister and Mustique donors, Head Pediatrician, Dr Data said that the refurbished ward

“was a dream come true”.

The World Pediatric Project (WPP) – surgeon with two children
Milton Cato Hospital – Pedatric Ward before refurbishment
Milton Cato Hospital – Pedatric Ward before refurbishment
Milton Cato Hospital – Pedatric Ward after refurbishment
Milton Cato Hospital – Pedatric Ward after refurbishment

Architectural work and photos by:
Chris M Cunningham BA(Hons), DipArch(Leic), RIBA, RASVG, CHARTERED ARCHITECT
Construction by: Irvine construction

MCT is an active partner in this project. Each year WPP sends pediatric diagnostic and surgery teams to provide specialist care which is otherwise unavailable to children in St Vincent and the Grenadines and other island nations in the Eastern Caribbean. During 2015 WPP anticipates reaching 650 children with critical specialist care resources including referring an estimated 30 children with more complex conditions to one of WPP’s partner hospitals in the U.S and internationally. The project also builds local medical capacity through the training of nurses, prevents disease and save lives.

The Trusts acknowledge the generosity of Mustique homeowners who donate their villas to WPP auctions to raise funds to help run this worthwhile programme. Many children benefit from this support and now live healthy and happy lives. WPP will soon receive a grant from the MCTs for the purchase of a specialised orthopedic operating table for a dedicated pediatric operating room at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital in Kingstown. This grant will enable an increase in the range of surgical procedures needed to help the children in the region.

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Help us support The World Pediatric Project (WPP)
