“Kick It” is a Special Olympics SVG Unified Football Programme which provides persons with or without intellectual disabilities the opportunity to play together on unified teams.

“Kick It” Programme – Special Olympics

The Mustique Charitable Trust (MCT) provided a Grant to fund football kits, uniforms and other equipment to facilitate the ‘Kick It’ programme in five zones: Georgetown, Calliaqua, Kingstown, Layou and Bequia. Training now takes place at least once a week at all five locations.

“Kick It” Programme – Special Olympics

The Handover Ceremony took place on Saturday 18th January 2020 where Sezevra Joseph, (National Director of Special Olympics SVG) and Roger Gurley (Coordinator of the Kick It Programme) both emphasised how grateful they were for the contribution made by the MCT.

“Kick It” Programme – Special Olympics
“Kick It” Programme – Special Olympics

MCT was heartened to collaborate with Special Olympics SVG to unify persons with or without disabilities and with an all-male membership, to get our young men involved in positive activities for which they have a passion.

“Kick It” Programme – Special Olympics

Special Olympics Gets a BoostRead the article in “The Vincentian”

SOSVG Kick It Programme gets equippedRead the article on “Searchlight”

More coaches added to SOSVG’s kick it programmeRead the article on “Searchlight”

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