The UK Friends of the Mustique Charitable Trust funded the Environmental Education Programme once again in 2020. This is the fifth year that the UKFMCT has collaborated with the Richmond Vale Academy (RVA) who successfully administered the fourteen-day workshop. The programme focused on training 12 young Vincentians on environmental protection, ecological farming and climate change education.
The objective was to bring about awareness to Vincentian youths about the impact of climate change and relevant adaptation techniques, increase the capacity of the local community to withstand the effects of climate change and environmental events and to improve nutritional and health outcomes.

The workshop included in-classroom theoretical training and practical hands on training at the RVA Climate Centre and Sustainable Farm along with major environmental site visits such as La Soufriere Volcano, Dark View Falls, Vermont Bamboo Eco Tourism Site and Chatoyer Garden.
One of the major focus areas in this year’s programme was “How to make a sustainable backyard garden” which was well received by the participants. The hope is this focus area will train participants to grow their own food for self-sustainability and possible income and to incorporate a healthy diet.

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