On Saturday 12th January, 2019, The Mustique Charitable Trust (MCT) was invited by Junior Sailing Academy Bequia (JSAB) to view their young sailors in action as they chartered a course around the Admiralty Bay in Port Elizabeth with their dinghies which included seven second hand Laser Pico dinghies donated by MCT. The event was scheduled for 10:30am but as we arrived a little after 9:00am, already there was a group of youngsters eagerly awaiting.
The committee members present were Chair and Catalyst Rose Kaye, Secretary & Treasurer Chris Kaye, Training Manager John Nicholson and Senior Coach Zeandre Browne.
Most of them being retired British citizens who had homes in Bequia and were all passionate about providing an alternative activity for kids.
The passion for sailing was apparent on the kids’ faces as they listened attentively at the earlier briefing but was even more so apparent when they were manning their dinghies on the water.
JSAB must be commended for their initiative that not only provides an activity for the kids but also hopefully provides an avenue for employability in the sailing industry.
The event began with a safety briefing and a detailed explanation of the route for each type of dinghy. The kids then went about rigging their respective dinghies. There was a true display of discipline, responsibility and teamwork by the kids which was admirable. Once the safety checks were done, the young sailors launch their dinghies and were off.
While looking on from the shore, John the Training Manager, explained that JSAB future plans included remedial classes in Maths and English for their members which was necessary to increase their chance of success in their Royal Yachting Association (RYA) certification examinations. With two members already certified at 2nd level (Day Skipper), John was hopeful to have another five of their members attempt these examinations. The 2nd level Day Skipper certification allows members to be employable.